Minutes of the Planning Committee

8 May 2024




Councillor M. Gibson (Chair)

Councillor D.L. Geraci (Vice-Chair)




C. Bateson

S.N. Beatty

M. Beecher

M. Buck

T. Burrell

R. Chandler

D.C. Clarke

S.A. Dunn


M.J. Lee

L. E. Nichols

K.E. Rutherford

P.N. Woodward








Apologies were received from  Councillor A. Mathur and Councillor H.R.D. Williams


K.Howkins (In Place of A.Mathur)



In Attendance:  Councillor J.R. Boughtflower







The minutes of the meeting held on 3 April 2024 were approved as a correct record.





Disclosures of Interest


a) Disclosures of interest under the Members’ Code of Conduct


There were none.


b) Declarations of interest under the Council’s Planning Code


There were none.





Planning application - 24/00170/FUL Crownage Court, 99 Staines Road West, Sunbury


Description: Provision of a rooftop extension to provide 14 apartments (resubmission of PA 21/01742/FUL).


Additional Information:

Kelly Walker, Principal Planning Officer reported that there were no additional updates.


Public Speaking:

There were no public speakers.



During the debate the following key issues were raised:


-The proposal did not offer affordable housing


-There were issues with the interior and quality of the existing flats



The Committee voted on the application was follows:


For: 15

Against: 0

Abstain: 0




The application was approved.





Planning application - 24/00119/FUL Desborough Sailing Club, Ferry Lane, Shepperton


Description: Erection of new boat shelter with green coated corrugated sheet metal roof and sides on scaffold pole framework with a maximum height of 2.3m standing on a 6m x 12m perimeter porous cinder base, adjacent to existing work shed.


Additional Information:

Matthew Clapham, Senior Planning Officer reported that there were no additional updates.


Public Speaking:


In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, John Graham spoke for the proposed development raising the following key points:


-This proposal would benefit the only Skiff Club in Spelthorne


-A shelter was necessary as the seven skiffs owned by the club were becoming damaged in the open


-A shelter would improve the club and invite further members to join



In accordance with the Council’s procedure for speaking at meetings, John Boughtflower spoke as Ward Councillor on the proposed development raising the following key points:


-A number of objections had been received on this application by neighbouring properties and Shepperton Residents Association


-This was a further development on Green Belt Land which was also part of the flood plane


-The metal structure will spoil the natural area and openness of the site


-The shelter will be more visible in winter months when the trees were not in leaf


-The site overlooked the conservation area of Old Shepperton


-The structure would be permanent and visible to neighbours all year round even when the club was not in use during the winter months 


-The material used for the shelter will not blend with the natural area


-This was an overdevelopment on the site




During the debate the following key issues were raised:


-The land will still remain as Green Belt


-The shelter will be an eyesore and impacted on the character of the area


-The Landowner had served notice on the sailing club to vacate this site


-The site was subject to flooding


-There was a porous cinder base already existing on the site



A recorded vote was requested by Councillor Howkins in accordance with Standing Order 21.5(a). Votes were recorded as follows:


FOR the Officers’ recommendation (10)

Cllrs Gibson, Beatty, Beecher, Buck, Burrell, Dunn, Geraci, Nichols, Rutherford, Woodward


AGAINST the Officers’ recommendation (4)

Cllrs Bateson, Chandler, Howkins, Lee



Cllr Clarke


Decision: The application was approved subject to conditions as set out at paragraph 8 of the report.





Planning application - 24/00178/FUL Harper House, 29-31 Fordbridge Road, Ashford


Description: Erection of a fence with a trellis along the boundary wall with the neighbouring property (33 Fordbridge Road).


As shown on location plan received 15.03.2024 and existing and proposed elevations of fence received 01.03.2024.


Additional Information:

Susanna Angell, Planning Officer reported that there were no additional updates.


Public Speaking:

There were no public speakers.



During the debate the following key issues were raised:


-The Committee queried why the fencing was originally requested. Susanna Angell, Planning Officer clarified that this was in response to requests from the adjacent neighbour at 33 Fordbridge Road to add height to the boundary wall between their property and Harper House


-The Committee queried when the fence was erected. Susanna Angell, Planning Officer clarified that the fencing was erected in early March 2024.




The Committee voted on the application was follows:


For: 15

Against: 0

Abstain: 0



Decision: The application was approved.





Planning Appeals Report


The Chairman informed the Committee that if any Member had any detailed queries regarding the report on Appeals lodged and decisions received since the last meeting, they should contact the Planning Development Manager.


Resolved that the report of the Planning Development Manager be received and noted.





Major Planning Applications


The Planning Development Manager submitted a report outlining major applications that may be brought before the Planning Committee for determination.


Resolved that the report of the Planning Development Manager be received and noted.


The meeting ended at 20:05pm.

